Internationalization of the Alimentos Oicata Company of the Natural Honey Product to the United States
Internationalism, Industrial Expansion, Export, Agricultural Products, MarketAbstract
Internationalization is a strategy whose purpose is to benefit organizations in an expansion objective, this plan is carried out when the company is in an optimal state and in which various problems or improvements that can be solved arise. The advantages of internationalizing a company are clear: greater growth of the company, consolidation of the product and the brand, increased competitiveness, diversification of the markets, Internationalization opens up new commercial channels that will allow us to reach not only a greater number of clients, but also from suppliers around the world. In addition, it is a factor that allows the diversification of markets and the improvement of investments in the company. The article is derived from a documentary review that aimed to carry out a study of the Internationalization of the Oicata Food Company of the Honey Product towards the United States. This article follows a qualitative approach, reaches a descriptive level through the case study method. It was found that the company Alimentos Oicata can currently carry out the export process in small quantities because it has a minimum production, however, it is recommended to continue with the reinforcement in monetary terms to continue acquiring technology and improve production processes; Similarly, the necessary documentation process must begin, which is required in the international market. It is concluded that the target country to which the company can target is the US market because this country is very attractive for the beekeeping sector.
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