Study of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Castillo® variety production components in Nariño


  • Johana Alixa Muñoz Belalcazar Universidad de Nariño
  • Carlos Andres Benavides Cardona Universidad de Nariño
  • Tulio César Lagos Burbano Universidad de Nariño
  • Jorge Fernando Navia Estrada Universidad de Nariño



Correlation analysis, path analysis, leaf area index, production


The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between climatic and growth variables and the production of Castillo® variety coffee in the department of Nariño. Three plots (1ha-1) were selected in three different altitudinal ranges per municipality (≤1600m, between 1601 and 1800m, >1800m). The variables recorded were precipitation (PP), temperature (TEMP), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), plant height (PH), basal stem diameter (BD), number of leaves (NL), number of primary branches (NPB), number of secondary branches (NSB), leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI), number of nodes per branch (NNB) and branch length (BL), which were compared with the production in of dry parchment coffee (CPS/PL). A descriptive analysis of the climatic variables, analysis of variance for growth and production variables, Pearson correlation analysis between the variables evaluated and path analysis of the variables with the highest correlation coefficient were carried out. The PAR was variable with respect to the altitudes and municipalities evaluated. The analysis of variance showed statistical differences that evidenced the effect of altitude on the parameters recorded. The correlation analysis showed positive relationships between altitude and variables, and of yield with AP, DT, NRP, LR and IAF, on the other hand, the path analysis identified the variables AP, NRP and LR, as those with the greatest effects on the CPS/PL in a transversal way; while the variables IAF, NH and NRP presented the greatest direct effects.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Belalcazar, J. A., Benavides Cardona, C. A. ., Lagos Burbano, T. C., & Navia Estrada, J. F. (2021). Study of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Castillo® variety production components in Nariño. Journal Facultad De Ciencias Agropecuarias - FAGROPEC, 13(2), 114–128.



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