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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

The manuscript submitted for publication must be unpublished, submitted under the rules or instructions for authors along with the Declaration of Originality guaranteeing the journal the right of first publication, to the e-mail

The information presented in the manuscript must be original and not have been disclosed in whole or in part in any type of indexed publication. The author or authors must express in writing their acceptance of the submission of the document to the arbitration process and its originality.


The manuscript should have a maximum of 15 pages in Word (including figures, tables) letter size, one side only, in old Book size 11, 1.5 spacing, margins 3 cm on each side.

All figures and tables must be in black and white, made in Excel 2003, separated from the text document. Label tables as Table 1, Table 2 and not Table No. 1, Table No. 2 or Table No. 1 and Table No. 2. Likewise for figures, place Figure 1 indicating the whole word and not Fig. 1. Tables and figures should be cited in the text; avoid redundancy between tables, figures and text. List tables and figures in the order in which they are first cited in the text. The labeling of each table should be at the head of the table; symbology should appear at the foot of the table; tables should have only the horizontal header lines and one at the end. All illustrations (photos, diagrams, maps and graphs) are classified as figures; those that require editing must be sent in JPG or BMP format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to guarantee legibility, without the use of colors. The legend of each figure must be below it and must be clear enough to be read independently of the text.

The use of significant figures must be consistent in all texts including figures and tables. The document should be aligned to the left, including headings and subheadings, with no words at the end of the line. All pages should be numbered and bear the author's name in the upper right corner. Footnotes are not accepted. The first page should contain, in lower case, the title, full name and e-mail address of each author.

Title: It must be explanatory and contain the essence of the work in a maximum of 12 words. Author(s) information: It should be included in the upper right corner specifying: Author's name, profession or trade, level of studies, current employment and e-mail address.

Abstract: It accurately presents the content of the article in a maximum of 150 words and should be assigned between 3 and 5 key words, and it should also be presented in English (Abstract and Key words).

Introduction: It describes the purpose, the structure of the document, the methodology developed, and the results obtained.

The methodological route: It should include the type, the research approach, the population, the data collection process and the instruments used.

Results: It presents the information obtained in a clear manner, specifying the main findings, without any interpretation.

Discussion: Includes the interpretations to the results identifying the answers to the research questions, with the due triangulations, can be compared with the results of other studies, and with the theoretical framework of the research.

Conclusions: Reference is made to relevant aspects regarding methodology, results, and discussion.

Literature cited: All citations placed inside should be reflected alphabetically in this section.

It should be clarified that citations will be made according to the criteria required by the American Psychological Association (APA).

FACCEA Journal does NOT charge APC to authors for publishing in this Journal.
The contents of the articles are available immediately after their publication online and in pdf format.

Instructions for authors PDF

The Journal of the Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Administrative Sciences in order to guarantee the quality standards in publications establishes as a reference the code of conduct and good practices whose norms are established by the Committee of Ethics in Publications (COPE) Code of Ethics PDF

Maria Yenny Fajardo,
Support Editor FACCEA Journal

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.

Scientific and technological research articles

Política de sección por defecto

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